Adventuary 2025
A free daily drop of inspiration delivered to your inbox!
Last year, we used #adventuary as a way to #GetOutDoStuff with daily challenges! Many of you got involved and spent the month climbing your local hills or jumping in your local ponds! This year we're taking #Adventuary back to our 'Armchair Adventure' roots and rather than asking you to get out we're going to bring the adventure to you with a daily burst of inspiration, sent directly to your inbox.
What is it?
✔️ A short, snappy, daily email with content we love from our favourite adventurers including films to watch, articles to read and podcasts to listen to.
✔️ Free - it's totally free and all of the content will be too.
✔️ A way to get you inspired to #GetOutDoStuff in 2025 and blow away those January blues.
We're already a couple of days in to Adventuary so to give you an idea on the kind of content you'll get then scroll down to see the first two emails.
Day 1 - Adventuary Day 1 - Jump in!

#Adventuary Day 1
Congratulations! You've subscribed to #adventuary and taken a step towards making 2025 your most adventurous year yet.
For the next 31 days you're going to get a little drop of adventure delivered to you inbox!
This isn't a challenge. It's not like last year where we asked you to do a different adventure everyday but today we are making a suggestion...
Get in the water.
Every morning at #AAF around 30-40 hungover souls will potter down to Barn Pool Beach, take the plunge and let the cold water shock them back to life. It's great. You feel amazing afterwards.
We're both lucky enough to live on the coast and we always do our local New Years Dip. Here's a quick vid of Matt doing his dip this morning. Whitley Bay beach. North Sea tempreture of 8°C.
Seriously chilly but massively rewarding. Wakes you up better than any cup of coffee and the perfect way to start 2025. So get up. Get down your local cold water swimming spot and jump in!
(Don't go alone and don't over do it if it's new to you!)
If a vid of Matt looking freezing on the beach wasn't enough to get you moving and into cold water swimming then give this film a spin. It's just a 6 minute short about some of the benefits of cold water swimming. A beautifully shot film that will make you feel cold just by watching it!
Enjoy your dip.
Happy New Year! Catch you tomorrow for #Adventuary day 2!
Matt and Reece
Adventuary Day 2 - Explore the cold

#Adventuary Day 2
A cold snap has hit AAF HQ.
A frosty -1°C was enough to make the wind coming off the North Sea a bit bracing and bring back memories of colder times. Our biggest adventure to date was our coldest one. A journey across the Trans-Siberian highway in winter with temperatures dropping as low as -45°C. It was type 2 fun. Mainly miserably cold but with moments of pure elation, not just the times when we found somewhere warm to stop but the views we saw were better than they would have been out the window of a warm car. In being in that environment and exposing ourselves to the extremes of winter we could really appreciate the beauty of the frozen roads.
Exploring cold environments is tough but rewarding. One man who knows that better than most is Ben Page, whose frozen face you see pictured above. He rode his bicycle around the world and midway through that journey he took on the Canadian Arctic. He made an absolute belter of a film about his journey and you can watch it for free on the link below.
Our advice: grab a brew, kick back and head off to Canada with Ben, then get out the map and start planning your next cold weather adventure.
If you're enjoying these newsletters. Please forward them to a friend and get them to sign up too. We have more than a hundred of you along for the ride which is great but we would love to inspire more people to #GetOutDoStuff this January!
Thanks for reading!
Matt and Reece
P.S. If you missed yesterday's email you can see it here.