A January 'new you' plan but for adventure!
Full guide and top tips below.

Forget the sit ups and calorie counting, come on an adventure with us in 2024 with Advent-uary!
Applications are now closed for the #GetOutDoStuff adventure grant and we had a tonne of applicants! As only a handful of people can get funded we've come up with 'Advent-uary' to get the rest of us out and doing stuff this January! The idea is simple: a different adventure, everyday, for the month of January. Could there be a better way to start 2024!?
Please join on us on this adventure and please share your 'Advent-uary' with us on social media with #adventuary and #GetOutDoStuff. You can also post about your 'Advent-uary' in the Facebook group here.
Don’t do anything that could be dangerous without professionals or experienced people around. That means no solo wild-swimming, climbing etc!
Don’t break the law - no massive fires etc.
Share your adventures on any social media accounts with the #GetOutDoStuff and #Adventuary to inspire more people to get out and do stuff this January!
Here's a day by day guide for the first ever 'Advent-uary' - give it a read for some top tips!
You can also download the calendar to print here:

January 1st - Take a Dip!
Blow of the cobwebs with a New Year's Day dip. There's no fresher way to start the year then jumping in your local watering hole. Many local beaches will have organised New Year's Day dips so chat to your local swimming clubs and check out local Facebook groups for details. If you're not sure where to go or how to wild swim safely then check out this blog from Wild Swimming UK.
If you're not a regular wild swimmer then please don't go alone and don't get into potentially dangerous water. Beware of cold water shock and please join organised dips with local clubs where possible.
Please share your dip pics online with #Adventuary online - we would love to see all that cold water energy buzzing around social media!
January 2nd - Beach Walk
Hit the beach and take a stroll. Take the time to sit and look out at the ocean. You're probably back at it now with the start of a new year. Let the ocean wash away the stress of that first day back and plan for an adventurous year in 2024! If you're not local enough to a beach then venture to your nearest lake or reservoir. Still not close enough? Your local pond will do. Just #GetOutDoStuff!
January 3rd - Stargaze
Wrap up warm and head out after dark for a look up at the night sky! Use a Stargazing app like 'Star Walk' to get an idea of what you're looking at. Why not go a step further and arrange a visit to your local night sky observatory? Places like the Kielder Observatory are truly amazing in the dark of winter and well worth a visit. Like what you see and fancy some more stargazing? Check out the stargazing by sidecar trips that festival founders, The Sidecar Guys run in Northumberland.
January 4th - Read
Take an adventure from your armchair and read any tale of adventure. You could start a new travel book or just a quick blog! For inspiration you could check out this 'What makes a good travel book?' session from our first ever Armchair Adventure Festival or why not one these excerpts from Our Ridiculous World (Trip) and Home by Seven.
January 5th - Taste
Taste anything new! Make a new recipe or even book an organised foraging course? Adventure travel is all about going new places and trying new things - new foods are a big one for us so why not bring that home and try something new!
January 6th - Climb
Don't look down! Climbing is as much as about mental strength and problem solving as it is physical strength. Push yourself and try climbing this Advent-uary! If you're really not one for heights then bouldering is just as much fun! Find your local climbing centre here.
January 7th - Local
What's local that you've never seen? Wikipedia your home town, check out your area on google maps and see what jumps out! Maybe its a local museum you've never got to or even just a different footpath. Pack your rucksack and head off on a local adventure!
January 8th - Run
Stretch those legs and move them as fast as you can. Get lost in the rhythm, get the endorphins flowing and enjoy all the benefits of a good run! If you don't usually run please don't over do it!
January 9th - Capture
Head out on a trip and capture your adventure in some way! If you're usually a trigger happy photographer then why not try a different medium for fun? Perhaps a painting, poem or short film about your adventure. Post what you capture with #Adventuary!

January 10th - Watch an adventure film
Crack out the popcorn and watch any tale of adventure! Check out this list of 5 adventure travel films you can watch online for free!
January 11th - Plan an adventure
Dig out the maps and start planning your next adventure! Make an action plan for how you can start the adventure and if you can book something in - a flight, a night somewhere, a ticket to an awesome festival? What ever it is, just get something booked in, after all the toughest part of any adventure is setting off.
January 12th - Cycle
Get on a bicycle and get pedalling. Feel the freedom of the open road and get taken back to the joy of free wheeling down a big having just climbed up it! If you can't cycle then trade this in with anything that involves fresh air and a feeling of the wind in your hair!
January 13th - Cook outside
Make yourself a meal outside! Not something you would usually do in January but it always tastes better and it's always great fun. Spark up the barbecue, light the campfire or crack out the camping stove for a bit of alfresco dining!
January 14th - Adventure Together
Ask a mate, drag your partner out, connect with family or even join a local club. Adventure is best when shared so this is one you shouldn't skip. If you're not sure who to ask then why not try contacting your local Yes Tribe.
January 15th - Learn something new
Adventure is all about discovering new things. Take this idea home and learn something new! A dance, a recipe, a word in a foreign language, whatever you like just learn something new!
January 16th - Wildlife
Head out on a walk and take a minute to appreciate your local wildlife. There's always birds in the trees and badgers hiding in the bushes. Why not take it to the countryside and go for an early morning deer stalk? Capture any shots you can and post them up with #adventuary!
January 17th - Random act of kindness
How many tales of adventure are made up of random acts of kindness? Bring this idea home and do a random act of kindness where you are! It can be as easy as buying the coffee of the person behind you in the queue or as organised as volunteering with a local charity. Whatever you like, just spread some kindness!
January 18th - Stop
The busy, hectic nature of modern life means it's sometimes hard to take a minute to stop. Head out into your local spot of nature and just stop. Watch the water flowing, listen to the birds in the trees and decompress!
January 19th - Woodland Walk
Head to your local patch of woodland and rack up some steps. Take the time to appreciate the nature around you and for extra Adventuary points take a bin bag to leave it cleaner than you found it.

January 20th - Road trip
Hit the road! It doesn't need to be a big one like the Trans-Siberian pictured above, just hit the road and see where you end up! Don't make it too planned and give yourself the time to pull off the road and explore. Take the twisty roads, they're always more fun!
January 21st - Summit
It doesn't need to be Everest! Summit any local hill or mountain. Feel the burn and the joy of reaching the top!
Don't climb anything to big if you're not experienced. Be prepared for all conditions and always tell others where you're going.
January 22nd - Fire
Toast a marshmallow and kick back to an episode of natures TV! Always leave no trace and don't light fires illegally.
January 23rd - Picnic
Make your sandwiches, pack your umbrella and head out for a picnic. Bad weather picnics are great fun so don't dodge this one if its rainy! You can always escape to the car if your sarnie gets too soggy!
January 24th - Yoga
If you're new to Yoga then follow an online video or join a local class. If you can get outside and do it in nature then even better!
January 25th - Barefoot
Follow in the footsteps of Anna McNuff and go barefoot! Anna ran Britain barefoot so no excuses on this one! Head to the beach if you have one or some where muddy if not! Feel the squelch or the sand and enjoy an invigorating barefoot walk. Watch out for sharp stuff and step at your own risk!
January 26th - City Walk
Head to your local town or city and just head for a walk. How often do you walk around a built up place just to go for a walk rather than because you have something to do? Look at your local town or city in a new light with this one. Look up and appreciate the architecture!
January 27th - Fight Fear
Adventure is all about getting out of your comfort zone so face whatever scares you most head on. Try a stand up open mic night or jump off a cliff with your local coasteering club! Keep it safe and for anything dangerous join an organised club!

January 28th - Paddle
Head out on to the water on a paddle board, kayak or canoe. Don't take any risks and join an organised trip if you don't have your own kit! Don't fancy paddling out? Why not try surfing or just take another cold water dip at your local swimming spot!
January 29th - Sunset
Head out and watch the sunset. Best served with hot chocolate. Take your snaps and share them with the #Adventuary.
January 30th - Sunrise
Wake up and watch the sun rise. Best served with coffee. Take your snaps and share them with the #Adventuary.
January 31st - Take a Dip
Finish this awesome month of adventure with a final cold water dip! Remember to keep it safe!
There it is! Your most adventurous January ever. Thanks for reading and please join us for #Adventuary!
Remember to post with #Adventuary and #GetOutDoStuff and tag in @armchairadventurefest.
Advent-uary sounds like the perfect way to kick off the year with a new sense of adventure! It’s all about embracing new experiences and stepping outside your comfort zone. If your adventures take you to Amsterdam, be sure to check out the events in Amsterdam—there’s always something exciting to add to your plans this weekend!